The site of Upper Canada’s first parliament buildings is underutilized and forgotten. With no remaining built structures, I worked with a team of planning and sociology students to develop a strategic master plan that embodies the heritage of the site in a new form. The project interprets the significant heritage of the site through passive programming, reconciliatory ownership practices, and reclaiming gentrified public spaces for the local community. As the team’s designer, I balanced the mixed uses so that the site could unlock economic potential and remain a viable public investment, while remaining socially accessible and community-oriented. I also developed all massing and design concepts, as well as all models, renders, and drawings. The project culminated in a public-facing report that was delivered to Toronto’s real estate management and planning division, as well as used by local community groups to advocate against the Provincial expropriation of the site.

Collaborators: Michelle Zhang, Aliyah Karim & Arishah Mazhar.
Toronto, ON 
Urban Design