This project considers two categories of heritage buildings. Those that are already formally protected (“heritage”), and those that are catalogued on the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario’s online database, but have no formal designation (“publicly loved”).  While this piece takes a tongue-in-cheek approach, jabbing at the consumerist undertones of architectural conservation, it is grounded in an evidence-based, data-driven methodology. Through spatial and literary analysis, webscraping, and image processing, this project uses a satirical advertising campaign to explore and critique the colonial power structures and biases embedded into Toronto’s contemporary heritage preservation.

On the team, I was responsible for sourcing data and writing code that would allow us to scrape the web as well as filter, sort, and geocode the data. I conducted the spatial analyses using GIS, and created digital models. I was also responsible for filming and editing the video.

Collaborators: Randa Omar & Renee Powell-Hines
Toronto, ON  